PLTS Designs lesson 1

PLTS Designs Lesson 1

(Continued from previous post.)

After discussing this idea with my Mentor, he suggested that I develop it into a scheme of work. I was given the responsibility of designing a scheme of work to teach the PLTS Skills and teaching it once a week.

The first lesson began with the introduction to the task (see previous post.)

After setting the students the Design Brief, I provided them with the following Design Criteria...


The meaning of the heading that you are representing in your Design

The Design needs to be original, eye-catching and bold

The Design should have a plain background, (the same colour as your Blog.)

The Designs you create you will be using throughout your Diploma course. You will be using it to highlight bits of your Blog. Therefore it should represent you, but also be Professional.

When the Designs are uploaded onto your Blogs, they will appear very small, so simple rather than detailed designs are best.

The PLTS heading will need to be a key feature of your Design, and needs to be visible when the Design is viewed at a small size.

These were the Learning Objectives and Outcomes for the lesson:

Learning Objectives;

By the end of the lesson...

You will have developed an understanding of how PLTS will be approached during the Diploma course.

You will be able to develop initial design ideas in response to a Brief.

Learning Outcomes;

By the end of the lesson...

All of you will have developed some initial design ideas for your 'Creative Thinker' PLTS Digital Post It Design on paper.

Most of you will have developed some ideas of how to interpret these ideas using Photoshop.

Some of you will have started to develop your designs on Photoshop or continued updating your blogs.

Creative Thinker...

Come up with ideas and possibilities

Ask questions and think more widely

Think of new ways to link my ideas and experiences with those of other people

Question what I and others think about how to approach an activity

Try new ways of doing things and see if they work

Change my ideas if I need to because of things around me changing.

The students spent the first half of the lesson developing their ideas on paper. Then we had a 'mini plenary', where they shared their ideas with each other, before moving on to develop them on the computer. They came up with some really fantastic ideas.

I also developed this resource for the lesson, to help an EAL student in my class to understand the PLTS.

Independent Enquirer;

Working alone to find answers

Creative Thinker;

Thinking of ideas

Reflective Learner;

Thinking about what you are learning, what you have done well or not well

Team Worker;

Working with others

Self Manager;

Being responsible for yourself

Effective Participator;

Being involved

Sunday 13 December 2009 at 11:43

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