Photogram subject teach

Photogram Subject Teach

As part of my Course, I was required to teach my fellow scittees for 20 minutes. It ended up taking a bit longer than the allocated time, but this is what I came up with...

XMAS Photograms.....

See more recent post for Powerpoint presentation... I have been having problems learning how to use 'Slideshare' but have managed to embed it in a different post.

I started the lesson with this Powerpoint, which set the scene for how to make these:...

I then gave the scittees a handout about how to develop their Xmas Photograms at home into adding colour on Photoshop.

(Note – Check that the image mode is set to RGB Color)

Method 1: Adding a single colour tint
Choose Image > Adjust > Hue/Saturation.
Activate the colorize and Preview boxes.
Adjust the three sliders as necessary.
Once complete press OK.
Method 2: Adding a two colour tint
In the Layers palette, click on Create New Layer icon Image.
Select the Color option from the drop-down menu in the Layers palette (where it says normal).
Choose two colours by clicking on both the Foreground and Background colours in the toolbox.
Select the Gradient tool Image from the vertical toolbar and the type of gradient Image you wish to use from just below the top horizontal tool bar.
Click and drag across the image to define the direction of the gradient, and then release the mouse button.
Method 3: Using the Paintbrush tool
In the Layers palette, click on Create New Layer icon Image.
Select the Color option from the drop-down menu in the Layers palette (where it says normal). Image
Select the Paintbrush tool from the vertical toolbar Image and select the brush options as desired from just below the top horizontal tool bar.
Click on the Foreground colour in the vertical tool bar and choose a colour.
In the Layers palette adjust the Opacity or Fill to about 50% and paint on the image to add colour. You may wish to repeat these last two steps using different colours and opacity variations, to add subtlety to your image.

Method 4: Replacing Colour
1) Follow the steps for method 1 and then select the Eyedropper tool from the vertical tool bar. Choose a mid tone colour in the image and click on it.
2) Choose Image > Adjust > Replace Color. (The Replace Color command allows you to create a temporary mask to select specific colours in an image and then replace those colours)
· The image preview should be set at Selection.
· Set the fuzziness slider (which adjusts the tolerance of the mask and controls the degree to which related colours are included in the selection) to a value of 100.
White areas = selected colours
Black areas = unselected colours
· To replace the selected colours, adjust the 3 sliders as necessary, or double-click the results swatch and use the colour picker to select another replacement colour > OK.
3) Repeat these steps to add a second and third colour (select and replace a darker or lighter toned colour.

Additional Colour Adjustments
Choose Image > Adjust > Invert or experiment with alternative settings on the Layers palette, other than normal. Try combining some of the methods on this sheet.


These are some of the results that my Fellow students produced during the session...!

Amanda. (Top of the class.)

Fiona; well done! : ) excellent rainbow colours Rhys!

Sunday 13 December 2009 at 14:20

1 Comment to "Photogram subject teach"

Your blog is so impressive! If there is a prize, then you should win it! x

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