These are a few examples of the worksheets that I used with the Level 1 Diploma pupils for their Mask Making Module.
Edexcel Creative and Media Diploma Level 1 Unit 2; 'Adorn, embellish, decorate.
My product:
What will it be used for?
Who would buy it?
What legal and ethical issues do I need to think about?
How long do I need to make it?
Resources I will need to make it
How I made it
The process I used
What went well
What didn' t work out the way I expected
I will use this process or technique in my design
I will not use this process or technique in my design because...
I will make this out of...
I will decorate this by...
I will add texture to this by...
I will make this look old by...
I will make this look like metal by...
I will make this look shiny by...
I have been successful because
I have learnt how to
I have changed my plans by..
The part that I found most difficult was
If I were to make my mask again, I would change it by
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