Different programs are used to edit different file formats.
Adobe CS3 and CS4 have aprogram called 'Soundbooth' which is really good for recording.
A PODCAST is a series of SOUND FILES.
Takes a long time to put it together for the first time; allow time to do this in your lessons.
Using BACKING MUSIC; Be aware of Copyright issues. It` s illegal to use music from CDs or downloads for this prupose. ; a site where you can use any music you want to free of charge. You can listen to a sample and then save it if you want to use it.
AUDACITY; the program that most scholls are using at the moment.
HIGHLIGHT bits of it, then you can CUT them or go to EFFECTS and FADE THEM IN or OUT.
EFFECT - AMPLIFY; take it down and it turns the volume down for that bit.
If you want to COPY a bit, HIGHLIGHT IT. Then COPY - PASTE.
Arrow pointing both ways at topf left; MOVE button. HIGHLIGHT it, then click on MOVE and move it around.
Some schools don` t allow you to download MP3s; need to check with the school.
FREE SOUND PROJECT; have to sign up. They have FREE SOUND EFFECTS.
If you use something and it` s copyrighted, even for educational purposes, it` s a £2000 fine!
If you actually write to the Artists and say 'I would like to use this for a project : can I have your permission?' that` s fine. Students do this all the time. (They receive extra marks for it.)
To actually PLAY your PODCAST as a MUSIC FILE, you have to EXPORT it.
Normally use MP3 or WAV format. MP3 is much smaller but can be sent by e mail. (It` s COMPRESSED. You can compress it at different qualities. For general school / college use you can use an MP3.) (Bit like a jpeg file.) WAV; larger, better quality. For use with a Windows programme. Proffessional quality, eg for use on a radio programme.
Once you` ve exported it, you CAN`T EDIT the component parts AGAIN.
BBC PODCASTS. There` s some really good Podcasts on the BBC Website. They are aimed at different AUDIENCES. Kids, teenagers or adults. Good to use in a lesson to analyse how they differ. eg. use of SOUND EFFECTS, BACKGROUND MUSIC, LANGUAGE, STYLE.
You can SUBSCRIBE to Podcasts. You set up a link from your I Tunes to a Podcast; normally ends in rss.xml.
Click SUBSCRIBE TO PODCAST, then COPY AND PASTE THE LINK to the 1 you want to subscribe to.
AN RSS link can also be used to subscribe to other website facilities, for example the vacancies section.
The best way to learn Podcasting is to go through the process. Then at the end the learner can understand better why you do things in certain ways. So always save the real Creative work for the 2nd time round.
Audacity can be used to make SOUNDTRACKS FOR FILMS aswell. You import the audio into the Film Editing Programme afterwards.
If you` re using lots of people talking in your Podcast, it ` s better to record them all through 1 machine or using the same microphone. Then the LEVELS will all be the same.

Tuesday 27 October 2009 at 15:25

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