Photography; Photograms; Picasso 09/10/09

Technical notes
Photography; Picasso` s photos of a reservoir; merged them to produce Cubist paintings. Picasso also produced images by scratching onto photographic emulsion in film, eg using a pin.
Picasso` s Photograms; quite complex. Using card, bits of paper, negative and positive. Used cut out figures, scratched onto exposed film. Used a pin to make holes in the film.
Task; scratch a little picture into the emulsion side of the film. (Easeier to do thois on top of the lightbox as you can see better what you are doing.) Take it to the darkroom and print. OR; cut figures out of black card. (Draw it first in pencil so that you know what you` re doing.)
Picasso; ‘On Photography’. Good book about Picasso` s work. In the library.
When you make these prints you need to stop the Aperture right down, as there ` s not much on the negative for the light to go through. You may also need to step – up the contrast. Different with the cardboard cutouts.

Project Research activity…
Students need to remember to write down in their activity logs anybody they` ve talked to about their ideas and how that has changed their ideas or plans.
Evidence they need; Bibliography; identifying the resources they `ve used. Whether it` s an image, a film, a performance, piece of music, book they` ve read……
Hard copies of their research PLUS what they` ve done with it. Highlighted sections / annotations / notes.
If using a film, need notes from that film. If using an image, needs analytical notations. All the Research they` re doing in each Class, eg. Graphics, Media, performance, ahould all feed into this.
Methods of Marketing.

Friday 23 October 2009 at 13:06

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