Diploma ..analyse ..evaluate

With the year 1o Diploma students, I taught a lesson about the importance of evidencing their work. After a game of 'Wink murder' to introduce the importance of evidence (how do you prove who the murderer is?...) this is the powerpoint that I used.Powerpoint
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Saturday 27 February 2010 at 14:23 , 0 Comments


As part of 'day 11' at my placement school, I taught an introduction about Bollywood Bhangra dancing to a group of students who were making costumes for another group who were performing a dance in this style. here is my presentation;
View more presentations from daabexsta.

at 14:21 , 0 Comments

Adorn, embellish...Decorate......

New Unit....Level 1 Diploma...Adorn...Embellish...Decorate.


at 14:20 , 0 Comments

Diploma passport

Diploma Passport.

This is a questionnaire that I gave out to Diploma pupils in order to be able to personalise their learning better!

Diploma Passport.



Where I was born:

How long I have lived in Cornwall:

The reason I chose to study the Creative and Media Diploma was because:

The disciplines of the Creative and Media Diploma that I am most interested are:(tick)

2D Visual Art Photo Imaging Advertising
3D Visual Art Craft Audio and Radio
Graphic Design Publishing and Printing Film
Product Design Dance TV
Fashion Drama Interactive Media
Textiles Music Animation
Creative Writing Computer Games

The disciplines that I have gained experience in on the Diploma course so far are:(tick)

2D Visual Art Photo Imaging Advertising
3D Visual Art Craft Audio and Radio
Graphic Design Publishing and Printing Film
Product Design Dance TV
Fashion Drama Interactive Media
Textiles Music Animation
Creative Writing Computer Games

The disciplines that I am most skilled / experienced in are:(please list and give as much detail as possible).

When I finish the Diploma course, I would like to:

My favourite film / genre of film is:

My favourite TV programme is:

My favourite music genre / artist / style / era is:

My favourite music video is:

My favourite style of dance is:

The type of art work that I like and would like to learn more about is:

The type of design work that I like and would like to learn more about is:

I would also like to learn more about:

My hobbies / interests outside of school are:

at 14:19 , 0 Comments

Diploma Display

This is my design for a display board to be used at the Year 9 Options Evening in order to attract future prospective Diploma-ettes!
And here is a fantastic powerpoint that my lovely work partner Amanda created to give out to them

at 14:18 , 0 Comments

PLP Fauvism

The Fauvsits (nicknamed 'The Wild beasts...') were famous fo
r their experimental technique of replacing natural colours with other colurs to express emotion in their images, which was ahead of its' time, and the start of Impressionsim.
I taught a lesson about this to
Year 7.

These are the pictures i showed them;

Matisse; Woman in a Hat.

Derain; Charing Cross bridge

Matisse; View from a Window

I then set them the task of producing their own Fauvist Landscapes. These are some examples of what they came out with;

at 14:18 , 0 Comments