All images can be found in the Student Folder > Newlyn Harbour.
Open image file Newlyn Nets. Click on the default Foreground and Background icon in the vertical toolbox to return to black & white.
Choose Image > Canvas Size and Increase the width size to 28cm and double-click on the Hand tool in the toolbox to maximise the image view.
Open image file Boats 1. Use the Move tool to click and drag it into the Newlyn image.
Use the Move tool to place the Boats 1 image to the left of the Newlyn Nets, and then click on the Add Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the layers palette.
Working on the Layer Mask, select the Linear Gradient tool from the toolbox. From the right edge of Boats 1, click and drag the cursor across to the left edge, then release the mouse button. This creates a smooth gradient fill within the Layer Mask, allowing the Boats image to seamlessly fade into the Nets image below.
Use the Paintbrush tool and black colour to remove the Layer Mask area around the left of the central Nets image to reveal it from below. Toggle to white to cover it back up.
Open image file Boats 2. Use the Move tool to click and drag it into the right side of the Nets image. You may need to Choose Edit > Transform > Scale to reduce its size until it’s the same height as the main image (hold Shift and drag from a corner). When it is the correct size, press Enter. Click on the Add Layer Mask icon in the layers palette.
Repeat steps 5 to 7 and then again adding images Boats 3 and Boats 4, or try others to make your own photocollage. Try variations using the Radial Gradient tool, click and drag the cursor from the centre or the edge to see the difference.
When you are happy with the completed
photomontage > Layer > Flatten Image
Once the text is RASTERISED, you can` t edit the text anymore. But when you` ve rasterised it, you can edit it as a GRAPHIC. So you can change the overall bounding box, vanishing point, etc.
Always set the image size at the very start, depending what you are working on. So if the students are working on CD covers, they need to find out the dimensions and set them on the file.
A good way to show Photoshop work development is to save each layer as a saved screen and annotate it showing what you` ve done / changed and why.

Friday 6 November 2009 at 15:17

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