my poor attempt at flash animation!

Friday 18 June 2010 at 04:43 , 0 Comments

book making web site!!

Download the free software from Design the layout, add the images and text and they print it for you!

Wednesday 16 June 2010 at 05:33 , 0 Comments

Community Arts funding in Cornwall
Feast; funds lots of Community Arts projects in Cornwall.

Monday 24 May 2010 at 03:16 , 0 Comments

Digital Mind Mapping Rocks!!!

Tuesday 18 May 2010 at 14:10 , 0 Comments


Today I learnt to animate! yey!!!!
Here is my collaborative project!

Monday 17 May 2010 at 12:40 , 0 Comments


I have changed my Blog Template to this one, as it reminds me of one of my favorite pictures of the lovely river in Hay on Wye.

Saturday 15 May 2010 at 14:40 , 0 Comments

Damon Albarn' s Opera!

Thursday 13 May 2010 at 03:42 , 0 Comments

Storm Thorgerson; album covers and how they changed throughout the decades.

at 03:28 , 0 Comments

Brian Eno; 77 million paintings

at 03:22 , 0 Comments

BBC Blast; work experience

Wednesday 12 May 2010 at 05:35 , 0 Comments

Creative thinking 5; Flexibility of thought.

Tony Buzan; theories of Creative Thinking.

5) FLEXIBILITY OF THOUGHT. How many perspectives can I look at this from?
Task; working with a partner, you have 2 minutes to come up with a way that you could use an art form to interact with this site.

Tuesday 4 May 2010 at 13:34 , 0 Comments

pipeline; artist reacting to the environment.

at 12:40 , 0 Comments

'Tinners way' project; Artists working on the theme of journeys.

Polly Braden; 'Adventures in the valley'.
A collaborative project between photographers Polly Braden and David Campany to document the landscape of the River Lea in London before it changes when the 2012 Olympic site is developed there. they photographed the landscape, people and communities that live / work / play along the river' s edge.

Alice Oswald recorded many conversations she had with those who live and work on or near Dart River (in Devon). She used their voices, dialects, expressions, pleating them into this long multi-faceted text.
The resulting text is a mix of prose poetry rendering carefully selected and adjusted spoken language (the text never sounds as if it was the simple transcription of taped conversations) and quite lyrical poetry in stanzas.
It changes rhythm, tone, is rich in alliterations and plays on sounds. "Dart" refers to local people as well as to characters form the Greco-roman mythology.
The fact the poem goes on over 48 pages gives it a flowing quality, which cleverly suggests a river. Since the Dart is very short, most of the river is affected by the nearby sea's tides, and the mentioned animals, birds and fish can be either fluvial or marine.

Alice Oswald has managed to stitch sections end to end with almost invisible seams. She just changes subjects, makes them flow into each other.
This is a radically atypical piece, a long, creative journey into a world of water and words.

Richard Long
Artist who made art works by going on specific walks and recording them in maps, photographs or text works. He also made land based natural sculptures along the way. eg a line of rocks showing the path that he' d taken.

Dan Eldon; the journey is the destination;
Very famous for his sketchbooks; travelled around and kept really beautiful, highly detaled sketchbooks about his experiences on his travels. 'The collage notebooks he left stand as rich documents of a rare spirit, and the story of his life is a collage, too-of places and peoples and journey and friendships and war and love.'
his mission statement: "Safari as a Way of Life: To explore the unknown and familiar, distant and near, and to record in detail with the eyes of a child, any beauty (of the flesh or otherwise) horror, irony, traces of Utopia or Hell . . ."
Eldon was renowned as one of the first photographers to document the famine and anarchy in Somalia in the early nineties. Ironically, in 1993-when he was just twenty-two years old and the youngest photojournalist ever hired by Reuters - Eldon was killed by a Somali mob. the time of his death, Dan Eldon had worked as a graphic designer in New York; studied (intermittently) at four colleges; traveled through Europe, Africa, Japan, and the U.S; founded a charity for Mozambican refugees; directed a film; written a book; started up his own photography business; and become a Reuters photojournalist. Through all this living, Eldon crafted a philosophy of curiosity, creativity, adventure, and charity.
The journey is the destination is an exploration of one young man's will to take in everything life has to offer; an example of a life lived for art, and an art experienced as life.

Friday 23 April 2010 at 16:13 , 1 Comment

'Tre'; project;Artists working on the theme of home

Barbara Ess
Images of rural communities often interpret then from a romantic point of view. Barbara Ess' s images show a more sinister side of the reality of the farming community.

Jennie Sa
vage; Artist working on the theme of community, storytelling, 'place', history.
Anecdotal City Project;
Project involving interviewing people about their stories about Cardiff, recording th
ese interviews, then playing them on a touring bus.
Star radio project; http://www.s
Set up a community radio station representing 4 areas of Cardiff city. People from the areas could come in and broadcast
their stories, anecdotes, etc. created an archive of the voices of people from this place.
'and then I returned to the sea';
Collected 50 'true' ghost stories from around the coast of Britain. These stories were written, put into plastic bottles, and sent out to sea, each from the area of coast where the story was thought to have occurred.

Rachel Whiteread; 'House'

a concrete cast of the inside of an entire Victorian terraced house completed in autumn 1993, exhibited at the location of the original house — 193 Grove Road — in East London (all the houses in the street had earlier been knocked down by the council). It drew mixed responses, winning her both the Turner Prize for best young British artist in 1993 and the K Foundation art awardfor worst British artist.[4] Tower Hamlets London Borough Council demolished House on 11 January 1994,[5] a decision which caused some controversy itself.

The critical response included:

"A strange and fantastical object which also amounts to one of the most extraordinary and imaginative sculptures created by an English artist this century.

The Independent[6]

"Denatured by transformation, things turn strange here. Fireplaces bulge outwards from the walls of House, doorknobs are rounded hollows. Architraves have become chiselled incisions running around the monument, forms as mysterious as the hieroglyphs on Egyptian tombs."

The Independent[6]

at 16:12 , 0 Comments

Community Arts in Cornwall
Penwith Community Development Trust; works to support local individuals and community groups. Works with young people,m people who are unemployed, people with English as an additional language, promotes social inclusion.
A Campaign celebrating the culture of rural regions in Europe. Has set up a partnership between Cornwall, South Ostrobothnia in Finland, and Kujowsko Pomorskie in Poland. Has funded a variety of projects, including 'depict Kernow' conferences and exchange visits.

Countywide arts and health organisation promoting the role of creativity in improving health and wellbeing and running community projects.
Kernow education arts partnership;. Works to engage young people in learning through the arts.
Community Arts organisation. Runs a festival in June in Penzance. Also runs year round workshops. Celebrates celtic culture.
Online showcase of examples of Public Art in Cornwall.
A new Community Arts magazine, aimed at supporting artists of all abilities in Cornwall.
organisation aimed at raising the profile of arts and health practitioners across the south west region
Tate Gallery working with Community Groups.
Provide charities and voluntary organisations with the skills they need to raise awareness of their cause and improve thier communications. Puts media people in touch with charities/ organisations to work with to give them a voice.
Penwith Film Society; scressns films which directly respond to the community of Penwith.

at 14:35 , 0 Comments

Light Graffiti

Thursday 22 April 2010 at 13:43 , 0 Comments

Level 3 Diploma, Unit 6; Investigation; Artists crossing the Creative and Media Disciplines...

David Hockney; Photography; Painting; Theatre design

at 10:56 , 0 Comments